Monday, November 17, 2008

The tooth fairy visits again

On Friday Arianna lost her 2nd tooth. It was the other bottom front. She was very excited. It had been loose for a while and she lost it at school. She wanted to lose it at school because you get to go to the nurse and she gives you a small treasure box to put the tooth into and then your name gets written down on a big tooth to be kept there.

Both Arianna and Ethan have moved up into new swimming classes. Arianna is now in teh 75 foot distance class which means they swim 25 yards or all the way across the pool. In order to get into the class you must be able to do that with the crawl, backstoke, and elementary backstoke. And also swim half way across the pool with breaststroke and butterfly. she does very well. She can dive down in the deep end to the bottom and pick up rings, her dives are getting better. We might look at her starting a summer swim team this coming summer. Ethan moved up to the Puddle jumpers class. In this class the parent is with the child for half the class and then for the last half they stay with the instructor. It is a transitional class to get them ready for classes without the parents - which he can start when he turns 3. He loves to jump into the water. He hates floating on his back and he doesn't like to blow bubbles, but in general he loves to be in the water. He likes to go on his tummy and kick and is doing fairly well with doggy paddling.

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving. We will be heading to Michael's parents and then to Portland for a few days. We are planning on bringing down the crib we have to give it to a friend's sister who is expecting and then I found out Michele is going to be in Portland at that time as well. I am so excited. We haven't seen each other for about 1 1/2 years. They have a little boy that they are adopting and I haven't met him yet. It sounds like we are going to be very busy in Portland, we have lots of people to visit. Luckily we won't have the kids so we can be more flexible and meet people later than we would normally.

On friday it was also parent's night out at Ethan's school, so both kids went and Michael and I had a nice dinner. we went to Tutta Bella - our favorite pizza place and we had a nice time. We even had time to relax at home before picking the kids up.

We have family pictures this weekend. I need to find something to wear that matches the kids outfits or otherwise I will end up wearing what I had last year. Michael's holiday party if Dec 12. I want to get a new outfit for that, but we will see. Then on the 13th is arianna's party at the swimming pool. We have to work on getting invitations ready to send out soon. I like to do them a little early where this is a busy time of year for people. If anyone wants to come up - let me know :).

I need to run. We had our air ducts cleaned today and they are getting ready to leave, so I need to pay them :(. It needed to be done. It had never been done since the house was built and many times with new construction things get left in the ducts, lots of dust, etc.

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