Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Feliz Navidad!

Well, the holidays are here! We finally have our home all decorated for the season. I had most of our decorations up before we left for Thanksgiving since we were going to be gone. Then this last weekend Michael was able to get the lights up outside. Pretty much every house on our street has lights so it looks really pretty. I think there is only like 3 houses that don't have lights on, so it always looks very festive in our neighborhood.

This is a busy week for us. Tomorrow we watch our neighbor's kids while they go to their holiday party. It is great because Zuleikha and Arianna are good friends - they are just 1 year apart and then Ethan and Zane are the same age - just a few months apart. So it will be a fun, but crazy time. Then on Friday it is Michael's holiday party. This year his party is that the Museum of Flight. Then on Saturday is Arianna's B-day party in the morning. It shall be interesting because there is a chance of snow on friday night and early saturday morning so hopefully it won't deter some of her friends from coming. She is just having a small party. There will be 5 girls going to Club Libby Lu to get makeovers and then to lunch.

This week it was funny because I had christmas music playing and the song Feliz Navidad came on and Ethan just went crazy. He had pretty much ignored the other music, but once this song came on he started dancing, jumping around, etc. It was so cute. So when Arianna came home I put the music on again and they both danced around. Arianna found some bells and Ethan found a toy and so they were making all kinds of noise. Then once the song was over that was it. So cute.

Arianna is having a little bit of trouble at school. She has a talking problem :) (surprise, surpise). The girl loves to talk. I even found a shirt for her for christmas that says My Best Subject is Talking!!! So she has to work on not talking, so when the teacher reminds her to be quiet Arianna makes a quiet sign to remind herself not to talk. Her quiet sign is to cover her mouth with her hand. We will see how it goes.

Ethan is starting Tumblebus at his school. This is a bus that comes and inside is all kinds of tumbling/gymnastic activities. He got to try it for free and he loved it!!!! He is doing better with talking all of the time, but he still has a lot of babble. More sentences are coming and questions as well. It is cute at night while he is going to sleep he will sometimes sing. He knows most of the words to twinkle twinkle and it is cute. He also learned up and down so he will rub my arm and say up and then down.

Well, I need to run. I am getting a manicure and pedicure for the party this weekend. A special treat for myself :)

I will try and post some pictures of Arianna's party this weekend.

1 comment:

Pam G-O said...

Goodness those children are growing aren't they? Learning the rules in school and other new environs is an experience for so many of us:)

Trusting all evolves perfectly for all of you.

Thanks for sharing,
