Monday, December 1, 2008

What a weekend

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. On Tuesday we headed out to Michael's parents house and spent several days there. Michael's mom made us a wonderful dinner. Arianna even got to help. She helped grandma make the apple pie and she helped Michael make the sweet potatoes. It was enjoyable time for me as well - it was nice not to be doing all of the cooking this year. For about 10 years we have always done our own dinner.

Friday morning Michael and I headed out to spend the weekend in Portland. We were able to get a good amount of shopping done for the kids and also visit friends. We had dinner with Jenny, Bryan, and Gabe on Friday. We had not been able to get together with them since April so it was nice. We need to try and make sure to visit them more often. Then on Saturday we visited Michele, Jeff, and David. They had flown up from Yuma, AZ to visit Jeff's family. We haven't seen each other in about 1 1/2 years so it was sooo nice to visit. Although the time always goes to fast. Michele and I would need a couple of days to fully catch up. Hopefully it won't be as long for us to see each other again.

Saturday night we went over to Dennis's house to watch the Civil War game. It was a sad game to watch. If OSU would have won, we would have gone to the Rose Bowl, but ohh well. What can you do.

Sunday we headed back to pick up the kids and had a nice surprise. Arianna was riding her bike without training wheels. Grandpa helped her! We had been working on it with her, but living on a hill makes it a little harder. They have a nice flat driveway to ride on. She was very proud of herself. She was a little slower at learning, but I think that was more because of the hill we live on and the fact that we always had to go to a specific park to ride so she just could not practice at home all of the time.

It feels good to have a good portion of the shopping done and I have our christmas cards ready to be addressed and mailed out. We also put up most of our decorations before we left, so that is nice. just a few things to add and put up the outside lights and we are good. If feels good to have that in order. Just need to get the house picked up a little bit more. It seems as if I can never get all the cleaning done with a toddler around. We did get Ethan's crib out of his room, so now we are rearranging that and going to move some of his toys up to his room.

Well, time to run.


Unknown said...

Pam G-O said...

Good job! We still don't have our Holiday preperations done ~ you rock ma'am!

How great for the kids to have that special focused time with Grama and Grampa. Sweet memories are being made.

Thanks for sharing,
